Thursday, November 16, 2023







川崎市(川崎区、幸区、マンション清掃 川崎市 中原区)横浜市(鶴見区)東京都(大田区)には見積り価格に自信があります。





寺澤貴子&スグル 【スピリットメイト チャンネル】2020年4月スタート!


信頼できる人間関係を築き 、豊かさに溢れて、





自分自身が納得できる そんな生き方ができれば・・




1970年 東京品川生まれ。

2007年 株式会社CRYSTAL WISDOM設立

2011年 東日本大震災をきっかけに鹿児島へ子供と移住

2015年 長男の進学のため、福岡へ移住。


○ AROMA HAND FAB 及び 神聖幾何学 フラーレン 創始者 


1965年 福岡県福岡市生まれ。

1991年 福岡市教育委員会 採用

2018年   退 職

2020年 スグルカンパニー設立

○ 神聖幾何学 フラーレン 代表

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スピリットメイト TV 【貴子&スグル】

Saturday, November 11, 2023

The French Association - A portion of Our Number one Statements From the Film

French Association, the 1971 police thrill ride featuring Quality Hackman and Louise Lasser as New York City cops on the chase after drug bootleggers, was a significant film in the New Hollywood period. Coordinated by William Friedkin, the film pushed the limits of viciousness and wrongdoing, handling extreme inquiries concerning profound quality and how far it is OK to go to get a crook.

It likewise assisted introduce the pattern of movies with high contrast police regalia and coarse metropolitan settings. Right up 'til now, it stays a famous film for some individuals and has become notable of the criminal classification. In festival of the film's 30th commemoration, we gathered a portion of our #1 statements from the film.

The film depended on the genuine story of NYPD Criminal investigator Eddie Egan, who brought down a huge medication pirating ring in 1961. The film's chief, Friedkin, drew motivation from the genuine story and adjusted it into an activity spine chiller. The film was generally welcomed and turned into a hit, winning three Oscars simultaneously. Its notorious vehicle pursue grouping is as yet viewed as perhaps of the most significant scene throughout the entire existence of film.

Notwithstanding the way that the film was questionable at that point, it is presently broadly viewed as an exemplary in American culture. The soundtrack by James Ellis is likewise a fan #1 and has been delivered as a Disc. The music is both testy and extraordinary, with weighty piano and strings going with the emotional exchange. It has turned into a staple in soundtracks for police and wrongdoing shows.

At the point when you initially meet somebody, you will probably say bonjour. This is a widespread hello that is utilized in a wide range of circumstances. It is an effective method for beginning any discussion in France and it is the most considered normal way that individuals welcome each other on the telephone.

Assuming you are running into The french connection left over somebody that you have previously met that day then you can utilize coucou, which is more casual than bonjour. This can be a great method for loosening things up and shows that you are keen on getting to know the individual you are talking with. This is an extraordinary choice when you are conversing with kids or in a more relaxed environment.

You can likewise ask how somebody is getting along utilizing the expression remark ca va?, which in a real sense implies how could it be rolling? This is one more extremely relaxed method for asking how a companion or relative is doing. The English identical is "what's happening?" and it was even utilized by Bugs Rabbit in the French variant of Looney Tunes!

At the point when you are welcoming somebody interestingly and they are female, you can utilize enchante or enchantee. This is a method for showing that you are truly eager to meet them and it is a decent commendation to provide for somebody when you initially meet them. It is an incredible method for establishing a decent connection with an individual and it is extremely considerate.

What is the Ser Militar?

El ser militar es una carrera dedicada al servicio nacional. Cada integrante tiene un papel determinante y especifico dentro de la Fuerza Aerea Argentina. Una vez que completas tus examenes universitarios y recibas tus lneas de ingreso, podrás ingresar an uno de los institutos de formación para actuar como Oficial o Suboficial. Durante tu carrera, te vas a ser educado en todas las disciplinas que componen tus actividades militares, ademas de realizar tus trabajos en tu area del avión.

La fuerza fleet ejerce una gran presión sobre sus miembros, por lo que se considera importante mantener sana la moral combativa de los soldados y comandantes. Para ello, roughage muchas razones que se han propuesto para reforzar su integridad militar. El liderazgo es uno de ellos. El comandante es quien lleva a cabo el trabajo y dirige las operaciones de la fuerza. As, él es responsable de la union entre sus soldados y los trabajos en las unidades de trabajo y de lleva a cabo operaciones para cumplir con el desempeo que están prometiendo.

En los Estados Unidos, el servicio militar obligatorio es reinstituido en casos de emergencia. La agencia responsable de inscripción an el servicio militar es la Servicio Selectivo. Y si alguno de los servones inscripcionados regresa a Ser militar, su identidad y tu trabajo sexencial se verán determinados por un formulario de la institución.

La comisionada residente de la comisión ejerce un gran honor en las academias militares porque ayuda a jovens de Puerto Rico an estudiar en ellas. El proceso de ingresar a las academias militares en Estados Unidos es interesante porque comienza por una solicitud de admisión a la the scholarly world preferida y luego requiere que un oficial encargado del servicio militar de Puerto Rico nomine an este tipo.

Cuando los jovens child ingresados, se ayudan a trabajar das a das en un Batallón del servicio militar public (Servicio Militar Nacional, or SMN). En EE.UU., cada uno que alcanza el jubileo de 18 aos debe inscribirse en el SMN. Y, a diferencia de otros pases, los nios entran de forma voluntaria.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

AI Guidance

Introducing Prime Se7en: Your Go-To AI Strategy PartnerIf you're navigating the dynamic 

landscape of AI-driven business strategies, you've likely come across Prime Se7en, a valuable resource for entrepreneurs and businesses. This platform, populated by seasoned AI Consultants, plays a crucial role in helping businesses excel in various dimensions, particularly in implementing AI strategies for Business Growth and Entrepreneurship AI Success Strategies.What sets Prime Se7en apart is its commitment to providing personalized guidance and reliable strategies. Their AI Consultants have earned a reputation as trustworthy AI Strategy Partners for their expertise and knowledge. But what exactly makes Prime Se7en a go-to source for business leaders?

  1. Personalized AI Consulting: Prime Se7en offers customized AI solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses. Whether you're in the early stages of Entrepreneurship or seeking strategies for Business Growth, their experts can assist you.

  2. Diverse Expertise: With a team of experts specializing in various areas, from Business Growth to Entrepreneurship AI, Prime Se7en provides access to a broad spectrum of knowledge.

  3. Responsive Support: AI Guidance Their on-the-go team is readily available to provide assistance and insights. Businesses can rely on their responsive support whenever they need it.

  4. Proven Success: Many clients have experienced significant results through Prime Se7en's AI strategies and support.

This perspective on Prime Se7en offers insights into their role as a reliable AI Strategy Partner, emphasizing the benefits they bring to businesses aiming for Business Growth and Entrepreneurship AI Success Strategies. This is not promotional content but rather an informed perspective.Ready to explore Prime Se7en? Visit Prime Se7en to discover how their AI Consultants can transform your business.




当院では新規の受け入れ人数に限界が有る為 整体 関内「本当に困っている方だけお越し頂ければ」との基本的な考えの元、整体院やカイロプラクティック院にありがちな初回割引などの技術の安売りは一切行っておりませんが、逆にそう言った店舗様との技術や効果の違いを比較して頂けたらと思います。(業界歴は2001年~です)



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Monday, November 6, 2023






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•根本的な問題解決を念頭に置いている為、カイロプラクティック 関内 自覚症状の有る部位だけでなく現在の症状に影響を与えていると思われる部位への施術もさせて頂きます。




EMUM - El Cuerpo de Musicas Militares

Si te gusta ayudar a los demás y te atrae la companerismo y disciplina del ejercito, puede ser una magnfica oportunidad profesional para ti. La carrera militar es una opción profesionales que te ofrece un entorno de desarrollo profesional muy particular. No obstante, las oposiciones en el cuerpo de musicas militares no child tan regulares como el resto de tus ocupaciones profesionales. Tendras que estar atenta a la pagina web del Ministerio de Defensa para no perderte ninguna oportunidad.

La EMUM, es una escuela militar de formación y perfectionación de los instrumentos musicales de las Fuerzas Naval forces espanolas. En ella se ensean a los musicos de los 26 agrupaciones y unidades musicales de las Fuerzas naval forces espaolas tanto a los musicos militares de carrera como a los de complemento. La escuela también colabora en la preparación de los musicos oficiales y suboficiales an acceder a la enseanza militar de formación y perfeccionamiento.

El objetivo head es hacer crecer y aprovechar el talento de los msicos, asegurando tu independencia y tu confianza a través de la educación militar. En el mismo tiempo, EMUM trabaja por ayudar a los msicos militars en la complejidad de sus tareas.

Como sabes, la vida de un musico militar es una tarea difcil, con poca salida economica y geografica y muchos retrasos de cabeza. Pero en cambio te ofrece gran oportunidades profesionales y personales.

Ayudar a las Fuerzas Fleets te ofrece una carrera extraordinaria, un trabajo con las grandes races del mundo militar.

El Cuerpo de musicas militares te ofrece una oportunidad extraordinaria para ejercer la dirección y tu ejercicio como instrumentista en diferentes escalas.

Si aprobes las oposiciones, te tendras que presentar en el dia y hora indicado en el The scholarly world General Militar de Zaragoza si eres de la Escala de Oficiales y en el The scholarly community militar basica de suboficiales en Talarn (Lleida) si eres de la Escala suboficial.

La prueba para las oposiciones al cuerpo de musicas militares consta en un análisis y exposición del material melodic que tu trabajas. El análisis tiene que ver con la analtica y analización de los elementos melodicos, ritmicos, armonicos, formales y criterios estilisticos y históricos de un trabajo que acompaa a su entrada en el cuerpo.

El cuerpo de musicas es una opción interesante para tasks los msicos, as que trabaja y pruebe, y aprender sobre el temario y courts en la empresa.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Step by step instructions to Track down the Best Live Parallel Signs Suppliers


A twofold choices exchanging signal is a warning that features an exchange an open door. These signs are an important device for brokers as they can work on their productivity by decreasing the quantity of wrong exchanges. In any case, it is vital to comprehend that no exchanging apparatus or framework is awesome and a few signs might be off base.

The best twofold choices signals suppliers utilize various techniques to create their cautions. These can incorporate market forecast utilizing specialized investigation and different strategies. They will likewise inspect verifiable information and recognize examples to anticipate future patterns. They will then, at that point, make proposals to their endorsers by means of email, SMS, site or application. These proposals will then show whether to trade the resource being referred to.

A few twofold choices signals suppliers offer a free preliminary for their administration. This can endure from 7 days to a month and permit you to test the item broadly. It is suggested that you just depend on a supplier that offers a solid help with a high achievement rate. You shouldn't go with a help that guarantees many signs each day.

You ought to likewise look at the changed business sectors that every supplier investigates. Some might zero in on forex, while others might have practical experience in stocks or values. At last, you need to pick a supplier that has some expertise in the business sectors that you are keen on hypothesizing on.

Ultimately, picking a supplier that Live binary signals offers a live feed of their signals is significant. This will permit you to screen the signs continuously and make exchanges in light of the data gave. Many administrations will convey their messages through a Wire bunch, which will permit you to get pop-up messages continuously and keep awake to date with the most recent exchanging valuable open doors.

Likewise crucial for find a help is accessible at the times you are generally dynamic. This will guarantee that you botch no exchanging open doors. Also, it will assist with staying away from the pressure of missing any signs because of life altering situations.

While it is feasible to foster an effective methodology with the assistance of paired choices exchanging signals, it is in every case better to work with an expert. The right sign supplier can give you the direction and backing you want to turn into an effective broker. While there are many tricks on the lookout, it is feasible to find a genuine supplier that will furnish you with important bits of knowledge and exchanging potential open doors. The most ideal way to do this is by perusing audits of different dealers. This will assist you with pursuing an educated choice and select the right agent for your exchanging needs. With this information, you will be headed to a fruitful exchanging profession. Best of luck! This article was composed by Benzinga - a main monetary news hotspot for financial backers. Benzinga will likely furnish perusers with a variety of information and articles that are applicable to the worldwide economy.

Friday, November 3, 2023

The most effective method to Make proper acquaintance and Farewell in French

Whether it was some battle pants or a sweet logo-loaded Shirt, French Association overwhelmed the logo-loaded climate of the Nineties with its capturing FCUK marking that took advantage of the trademark cheerful culture. Be that as it may, as style moved from confrontational and rich to something more grave and protected, the brand's eye catching strategies blurred with the logo-embellished clothing.

Today, the brand - possessed by very rich person Mike Imprints starting around 2002 - is switching off the lights on 14 of its stores in areas, for example, Bluewater and Brent Cross retail plazas. A new re-send off of its homeware assortment and plans to venture into China and India propose that the brand isn't yet FCUKed out, however it's a near fiasco.

While this might appear to be a conspicuous point, it's critical to take note of that the various approaches to expressing hi in France can shift in light of setting and custom. Bonjour, enchante, or enchantee are proper for a cordial gathering with companions. Yet, it's ideal to stay with bonjour in a business setting.

Assuming you run into your collaborator at the cafeteria for the second time that day, it's proper to welcome them with rebonjour rather than bonjour once more. This is an extraordinary choice to use in an expert setting and shows that you are an individual who esteems great habits and legitimate decent behavior.

While hello somebody interestingly, it's respectful to ask how they are doing. In French, this is a typical inquiry and can be responded to with salut (hi), coucou (hello), or ca va? (how are you?)

This is a relaxed method for The french connection left over making proper acquaintance and can be utilized with dear companions. Be that as it may, assuming you're conversing with outsiders, it could appear to be inconsiderate. It's likewise really smart to figure out how to express farewell in French so you can head out in different directions appropriately, which can be something precarious to do in the language. To bid farewell, attempt aurévoir (farewell), au revoir (farewell) or à demain (see you tomorrow).

The film's popular vehicle pursue grouping is a feature of William Friedkin's hard-hitting and sensible New York City show. The scene was shot without grants, all things considered, traffic and, not at all like numerous Hollywood vehicle pursues of the period, it satisfies notoriety as a holding succession really catches a turbulent metropolitan streetscape.

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