Wednesday, February 28, 2024

El Magazine del Arte y la Cultura en Espanol

El Magazine del Arte y la Cultura en espanol es una publicación que aparece trimestralmente en distintos puntos de venta nacional y internacional. El objetivo head de este periodismo es nutrir una red de voces, enfoques y expertos sobre trabajos de arte y cultura en todas sus facetas.

El objetivo head de este periodismo del revista es nutrir una red voces, enfoques, y expertos sobre trabajos y cultura en todas su facetas. El revista ha sido una herramienta fundamental para estar al da de lo que se está haciendo en el mundo artstico y social a nivel nacional y internacional.

Fundada en 1999 por el artista y El Magazine del Arte y la Cultura en español coleccionista Catalán Sergio Rubira, Bonart nace con la intención de crear una publicación empresarial que trabajara en colaboración con los sectores pblicos y privados para cubrir con profundidad y amplitud toda la informacion en relacion con el arte y la cultura. La revista tambien proporciona una bibliografa de más de 30000 referencias sobre artistas, pinturas, museos, exposiciones, artesanas y medios de comunicación artstica.

Es una revista dedicada a la investigacion a través del arte, en specific y sobre su conexión con la vida cotidiana. Orientada por una perspectiva marxista y el sistema capitalista, considera a la cultura como el producto de la evolucion hecha a trabajo y del medio social asociado al arte y a la ciencia en todas sus fases, desde la concepción y la producción técnica hasta las distintas etapas de su adquisición, degradación y recuperación.

Este revista ha sido una revista influencial y nica de su clase entre las revistas artes y culturas en Espaa. Es una revista que analiza todas las tendencias y tendencias tecnológicas, estéticas y de mercado en el arte contemporáneo, as como analisis sobre obras de artistas de todas epocas y el mercado del compra-venta de msica.

La revista tiene una gran bibliografa sobre obras del arte moderno y contemporáneo y cuenta como revista jornada mensual. También cuenta con una bibliografa completa sobre las exposiciones del Centro de Arte Reina Sofia y el Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Couch. Además, en los ltimos aos ha contribuido a la organización de dos reunión internacionales institucionales sobre el arte moderno. La revista también proporciona una serie de revistas sobre trabajos artsticos, como el libro de Sergio Rubira sobre el movimiento modernista y agudo. También cuenta con revistas sobre cuartetos, talleres y seminarios en teora del arte.

Occupations in Music That Pay a Living Compensation


On the off chance that you have ability and an enthusiasm for music, the business extends to various open positions. Be that as it may, not all positions in music pay a living compensation. Some require a ton of movement and some have requesting plans, yet there are a few positions that can give security and standard revenue sources, especially those on the outskirts of the music business. These incorporate performers, recording and studio staff, advertisers, administrators, specialists and music co-ordinators.

Craftsmen who play out their own tunes - Billie Eilish, Paul McCartney and Taylor Quick, for instance - normally procure every one of the sovereignties from their work. They likewise have total imaginative command over their own music, yet the vocation is unquestionably cutthroat. It tends to be hard to construct a following without any preparation and it is entirely expected for a craftsman to go through years playing more modest settings prior to handling their most memorable title show.

Many individuals with melodic gifts turn their abilities to educating and earn enough to pay the bills from their enthusiasm for music. Educators might work in a specific instrument like violin, guitar or piano and can either show private illustrations or instruct at schools. Some instruct as a component of a music program at a college or school. Picking the right establishment is key as some will have phenomenal temporary position programs that can be priceless with regards to tracking down a future profession in music.

Those with the best ability might decide to turn into a symphonic artist. There are a few valid justifications to go down this course including moment believability and a surefire compensation with full clinical and dental cover and benefits (following 30 years administration or the "rule of 85"). Then again, the vocation can incredibly disappoint. Numerous instrumental performers feel that they are not being perceived for their endeavors and become skeptical about their profession decisions.

One more choice for those with superb composition and meeting abilities is a job as a music magazine writer. It's an extraordinary method for investigating the most recent music news, address craftsmen and survey Musical jobs collections and shows. It's a famous vocation decision and you can generally track down valuable open doors through systems administration, as well as searching out the right distribution.

Working at a record name is a well known vocation way for those with a craving to be associated with the music business. This is an extraordinary chance to acquire an inside and out information on the music business, particularly the A&R side of things. There are a wide range of jobs inside a mark, however you can frequently begin at an understudy position and move gradually up.

A music the executives profession can offer customary wages, extraordinary systems administration valuable open doors and the opportunity to assist with sending off a craftsman's vocation. This is a profoundly cutthroat vocation, however, and it's not for the cowardly as it requires a great deal of difficult work to make the fantasy a reality. Nonetheless, a fulfilling and stable vocation for those are fruitful. Assuming you have the right abilities and demeanor, this could be your optimal work.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Okinawa Parasailing - An Exhilarating Action For All Ages

Float high over the ocean with the breeze in your hair and feel the elation of being weightless. This is quite possibly of the most astonishing experience you can have in Okinawa. An exhilarating action isn't only for thrill seekers, yet additionally individuals who love levels and need to encounter the excellence of Okinawa according to an interesting viewpoint.

You will be suspended over the water on a parasail, and you have some control over your heading and height somewhat utilizing hand signs to the team. You can partake in this once in a blue moon movement with loved ones, or you can take your risks all alone. Regardless of who you're with, an extraordinary encounter won't make a bond you'll ever neglect.

Before you begin, you'll have an instructions to gain proficiency with the principles and security tips. You'll likewise be given a day to day existence coat to guarantee your security and solace. Then, at that point, you'll board a boat and journey to the parasailing site, where you'll get lashed onto your parasail, and you'll be all set!

When you're airborne, you'll have an elevated perspective of the perfectly clear waters encompassing the Kerama Islands. With this astounding vantage point, you can see everything from the lavish green backwoods to the wonderful sea shores underneath you. On the off chance that you're fortunate, 沖縄 パラセーリング you might try and catch a brief look at whales or dolphins right at home!

The best thing about Okinawa parasailing is that it's reasonable for all ages, including kids and seniors. In any case, it's essential to take note of that it isn't suggested for pregnant ladies or individuals with difficult diseases like heart issues or stroke.

Finally, you'll need to wear agreeable garments and shoes for this experience. It's smart to wear level soled athletic shoes or shoes that you can undoubtedly stroll in. You'll get on and off the boat, as well as moving around on the shaking boat, so wearing footwear that is not difficult to move in is an unquestionable requirement!

For a protected and pleasant parasailing experience, utilizing a respectable organization with guaranteed staff is significant. Klook has worked with the top parasailing organizations in Okinawa, and we've picked just those with a demonstrated history of wellbeing and quality help. With our believed accomplices, you'll have the option to fly securely and make recollections that endure forever!

The most effective method to Turn into a Feline Criminal investigator


At the point when your feline disappears, you can feel like you're the only one on the planet who can't track down him. That is the reason certain individuals go to feline analyst, specialists who spend significant time in assisting proprietors with finding their lost cats. These analysts utilize their sharp feeling of smell, experience with a feline's territory and conduct, and extraordinary hardware to assist with finding a pet that might be stowing away in a challenging to arrive at place or on display. A few criminal investigators significantly offer instructional classes for the people who need to turn into an expert feline detective, and the Missing Creature Reaction Organization has a simple to-utilize registry of Blemish prepared experts.

The initial step to finding a missing feline is consistently something similar: Search your home, yard and neighborhood. Begin by glimpsing inside wardrobes and cupboards, under beds, in the unfinished plumbing space, and in some other concealing spot a scared or harmed feline could take cover. You ought to likewise ask neighbors for tips and attempt to get however many eyes on the pursuit as could reasonably be expected. Enroll delicate area children to help you, however ensure they know that attempting to snatch a pet or drive it off can make the feline escape and stow away further.

While strolling around your area, 猫探偵 call out to your feline and shake a treat pack or food box. This can set off a memory of a prize and support a terrified or injured creature to emerge from stowing away. You ought to likewise request that your neighbor's authorization search their property in the event that you can't see as your pet.

Another significant variable is to really take a look at your neighborhood sanctuaries and veterinary medical clinics, particularly on the off chance that the feline has a choker with micro processor data and you have a state-of-the-art photograph of the person in question. A few felines who aren't guaranteed by their proprietors end up in creature covers, and in the event that they don't have ID labels or restraints, they might be euthanized on the grounds that nobody can perceive they have a place with somebody.

A few felines vanish for quite a long time prior to being found, and on the off chance that the proprietor expects they were killed by coyotes or different hunters, they quit looking and the creature might in all likelihood never see as its way back home. A portion of these felines are protected by pet criminal investigators and got back to their families.

On account of Tiger, Katz accepted a call from an old lady who detailed her felines had vanished. The guardian who should watch them said she'd seen clusters of their fur in the forest behind her home, however Katz wasn't persuaded. The felines were in the end rejoined with their proprietor after over 16 months, however the case exhibits that pet analysts should have the option to track down baloney when they hear it.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Studio Khora: A Beacon Among Top New York Architects with a Long Island Masterpiece


In the heart of Long Island's verdant landscape, an architectural gem has emerged as a clear embodiment of modernist ideals and serene living. This contemporary house, designed by Studio Khora, has rightfully earned its place among the top New York architects, celebrated for its innovative designs and remarkable integration with coastal environments. With nine consecutive years of recognition as a leading force among coastal and Long Island architects, Studio Khora's latest creation pays homage to the pioneering modernist, Mies van der Rohe, whose principles are beautifully interwoven into the residence's DNA.

As one of the top New York architects, Studio Khora has crafted a narrative of space that is both visually striking and functionally seamless. The Long Island home stands as a testament to their design ethos—where the simplicity of form, the clarity of lines, and the purity of natural light are in dialogue with the lush surroundings. This house is not merely a structure but a sensory experience that resonates with the tranquil pace of Long Island's coastal rhythm.

The influence of Mies van der Rohe is palpable in the home's minimalist aesthetic, an approach that has positioned Studio Khora among the elite Long Island architects. The house is a celebration of transparency and fluidity, with vast glass facades dissolving the barriers between the interior and the wild, organic exterior. The living spaces are designed to extend beyond their physical confines, fostering an environment that encourages contemplation and connection to the outdoors.

This Long Island creation by Studio Khora is more than an abode; it is a reflection of the firm's stature among top New York architects. Its design reflects a deep understanding of the site's context, a hallmark of Long Island Architects  who are adept at crafting spaces that resonate with the area's coastal heritage and its residents' sophisticated lifestyles.

The residence's sustainable features further solidify Studio Khora's position among conscientious Long Island architects. The firm's commitment to green building practices is evident in the use of renewable materials, energy-efficient systems, and design techniques that minimize environmental impact while maximizing comfort and style.

In summary, Studio Khora's contemporary house on Long Island is not only a remarkable example of modern architecture but also a statement about the firm's place among top New York architects. It stands as a beacon of innovation, sustainability, and timeless design, representing the pinnacle of what Long Island architects can achieve when they are in harmony with nature and inspired by the greats like Mies van der Rohe. This house is more than a physical space; it's a living testament to the power of thoughtful architecture

Friday, February 16, 2024

The Role of Musico Militar in Military Life


Throughout history, the military has relied on music to create an effective and recognizable identity for its troops. Traditionally, percussion instruments such as drums and cymbals, bagpipes, and trumpets have been the primary musical instruments of choice for military bands. The modern military band may also feature brass instruments such as trombones and sousaphones, as well as woodwinds like oboe and clarinet. These instruments are easy to carry and can be played while marching. In addition, the sound of music provides an effective deterrent to enemies, as it is loud and difficult to mistake for other sounds.

The Argentine military has several professional military bands, including the Argentine Army NCO School Band and the Buenos Aires Military Academy Staff Band. The Argentine Navy has the Argentine Naval Staff Band and a band of sargentos at the Escola Preparatoria de Cadetes do Ejercito (EsPCEx). The Brazilian military has several professional bands, including the Banda Nacional do Exercito (BNE), the Instituto Militar de Artes e Ciências (IMAC) Banda, and the band of the 1st Air Brigade.

In addition to a role in training the armed forces, these military bands serve as cultural centers in their respective communities and cities. The prestigious BNE band has had the honor of playing at a number of major events, including the World Cup in 1998 and 2002. It has even performed at the White House and the United Nations.

Although the importance of music in military life is widely recognized, little has been published about the role that musicians play in their own social construction and as agents of change. This article aims to fill in this gap by examining the way that the militarization of music shapes and is shaped by musicians themselves.

Through ethnographic research in a military Ser musico militar band, this study demonstrates how the oblation of servitude to the state and a strict hierarchy of performance can shape a musician’s identity. In addition, it highlights the important social and political roles of this type of music as it is incorporated into a space of conflicting imaginaries that encapsulate both tradition and modernity. These imaginaries are complex and intertwined, demonstrating the complexities of the oblation of servitude as it is constructed and experienced by soldiers in their daily lives. In addition, this research suggests a need for further research to examine the oblation of servitude in other instituionional spaces. Thus, this study contributes to the growing literature on oblation as it applies to various sectors of the polity.

Musica Militar

The melodic kind known as musica militar alludes to military music performed by proficient officers called field artists. This style of music has been utilized over the entire course of time to report military occasions with exhibitions and walks, go with walking developments with drum rhythms and imprint extraordinary events like motorcades and services. It has additionally been utilized in fight, to frighten or persuade warriors and to help with the association and timing of assaults on the combat zone. Musica militar additionally incorporates stately walks, songs of devotion and other melodic pieces that commend the military and the qualities it represents.

All things considered, military groups have been made out of metal and woodwind instruments with various percussion instruments. A few current military groups likewise incorporate the piano or organ and have a huge collection that can include many styles of music, from traditional to well known melodies. Most military groups play out the standard stately and walking music as well as unique breeze organizations and game plans of symphonic sytheses, light music and show walks.

Musica militar can be heard at marches, as a feature of a function denoting the launch of a base, to invite a meeting unfamiliar military authority or lawmaker, to stamp the finish of a mission or war or to celebrate an occasion like the demise of a fighter. A tactical band can likewise give diversion in the military enclosure and in a wide assortment of different settings.

In the 21st 100 years, most military groups have started to de-underline their part in formal exercises and focus more on playing out a help capability to the military's tasks. Military music is not generally needed on the front line and the job of the band overall has changed altogether from that of a long time back when dazzling people in general and the foe with the tactical's prevalent walking skills was essentially utilized.

The cutting edge military band is in Música militar many cases displayed on the German model, with a corps of drummers and a cornet segment. In Chile, the groups of the Chief Manuel Avalos Prado Flying corps Foundation and the Aviation based armed forces Specialities School both follow this configuration. The Argentine Armed force has three mounted groups, including the Regiment of Aristocrats' regimental band which follows a more customary Spanish style with a metal and percussion gathering (in addition to fifes and trumpets) while the Tambor de Tacuari band depends on German practice with just drums out front.

The military of Sierra Leone have a military-styled band that is comprised of metal, woodwind and percussion instruments. The Trinidad and Tobago Protection Power Steel Ensemble likewise utilizes a comparable organization. The Peruvian Military keep a military-styled band with the mounted exhibition band organization of the President's Lifeguard Dragoons Regiment Escort as their honor band, while the Band of the Tactical Institute and the Chorrillos Military School of the Peruvian Armed force utilize a comparative configuration to the Argentine model. Police powers in numerous nations have their own groups that have a comparative organization to the tactical groups.

Thursday, February 15, 2024


青葉クリエイトは、横浜で高い評価を得ている遺品整理の専門業者です。遺品整理は、亡くなった方の思い出が詰まった場所を整理する作業であり、感情的な負担が大きいものです。青葉クリエイトのチームは、そのような難しい状況下でも遺族の気持ちを尊重し、心を込めて作業を行います。経験豊富なプロの手によって、家の中の品物が整理される過程は、遺族にとって心のケアとなります。家具や家電などの回収・リサイクルも行い、横浜 遺品整理 業者 環境にも配慮しています。また、遺品整理に関するさまざまなご要望や悩みにも、親身に寄り添い、最善の解決策を提案します。青葉クリエイトにお任せいただければ、安心して遺品整理を進めることができます。

〒225-0003 神奈川県横浜市青葉区新石川1-9-8 アイケービル2F




青葉クリエイトは、横浜で遺品整理サービスを提供する会社です。遺品整理は故人との思い出が詰まった品々を整理する作業であり、感情的な負担が大きいです。青葉クリエイトのスタッフは、丁寧で思いやりのある対応を心がけ、お客様の心情を尊重します。家具や家電などの不用品も回収し、リサイクルや廃棄処分を行います。また、横浜 遺品整理 ゴミ 遺品整理のプロセスに関するご要望や不安にも親身に対応し、お客様の負担を軽減します。青葉クリエイトは、横浜で信頼される遺品整理業者として、地域の皆様のお役に立っています。

〒225-0003 神奈川県横浜市青葉区新石川1-9-8 アイケービル2F



 青葉クリエイトは、横浜で遺品整理&処分サービスを提供する信頼できる企業です。遺品整理は、失った愛する人を思い出す難しい作業ですが、青葉クリエイトの経験豊富なスタッフはその負担を軽減します。お客様の感情やプライバシーを尊重し、丁寧かつ迅速に対応します。遺品の整理と処分に関するあらゆるニーズに柔軟に対応し、横浜 遺品整理 処分 お客様のご要望を最大限に満たします。青葉クリエイトでは、家具や家電製品などの遺品を適切に処分し、リサイクルや廃棄物の適切な処理を行います。環境に配慮したサービスを提供し、地域社会への貢献も行っています。遺品整理や処分に関する心配や疑問に、親身に対応します。青葉クリエイトにお任せいただければ、安心して遺品整理と処分をお任せいただけます。

〒225-0003 神奈川県横浜市青葉区新石川1-9-8 アイケービル2F



 青葉クリエイトは、横浜で遺品整理を必要とする方々に対し、信頼の置けるサービスを提供しています。我々のサービスは、経験豊富なスタッフによる丁寧な対応と、ご遺族の心情を尊重した作業が特長です。遺品整理はしばしば感情的な負担を伴いますが、私たちはその重荷を軽減し、クライアントの心の支えになります。横浜 遺品整理 会社 家具や家電の回収・リサイクルにおいても、環境に配慮した方法を選択し、地域社会への貢献を目指しています。お客様の悩みや要望に真摯に向き合い、最良の解決策を提供します。青葉クリエイトにお任せいただければ、安心して大切な遺品の整理をお任せいただけます。

〒225-0003 神奈川県横浜市青葉区新石川1-9-8 アイケービル2F



 遺品整理は予期せぬ費用がかかることもあり、多くの方が負担を感じます。青葉クリエイトは、格安ながら高品質なサービスを提供し、遺族の負担を軽減します。横浜を拠点に、経験豊富なスタッフが迅速かつ丁寧に対応します。横浜 遺品整理 格安 料金は事前に明確に提示し、追加費用なしで作業を完了します。家具や家電の回収やリサイクルも行い、環境にも配慮します。感情的な負担を抱える遺族に寄り添い、心のケアも大切にします。格安ながらも信頼のおける遺品整理サービスを求めるなら、青葉クリエイトにお任せください。

〒225-0003 神奈川県横浜市青葉区新石川1-9-8 アイケービル2F


Wednesday, February 7, 2024










  • 頻尿や夜間尿

  • 異常なのどの渇き

  • 急激な体重減少

  • 疲労感や強い疲れ

  • 視力の悪化、目のかすみ

  • 傷の治りが悪い

  • 四肢のしびれや異常感覚

  • 感染症の頻度の増加

  • 家族内の2型糖尿病患者の有無

  • 性機能低下(ED)



また人は食事をすると糖分が吸収され 吉祥寺 糖尿病る為血糖値が上がりますが、正常な方は140mg/dL程度で血糖値の上昇は止まります。これは正常にインスリンが働き、血糖をあげないようにしているからです。糖尿病の方はインスリンが働きにくいため血糖値は200mg/dL以上になっていきます。しかし、やはり、インスリンの効きが悪くなると、食後血糖も170-200mg/dL程度まで上がってしまう事があります。









  • ホームページより予約が可能です。

  • 初めての方は初診時間帯予約からご予約下さい。

  • 健康診断で異常を指摘された方は、

  • 他院からのクリニック変更でお越し頂く方は診療情報提供書が有るとスムーズに診察が可能です。



発熱や喉の痛み、武蔵野市 内科 咳などの風邪症状や頭痛など突然起こる困った症状のほかにも、生活習慣病や認知症など長く付き合わなければならない慢性疾患などに対応いたします。目や耳、鼻の症状なども内科で十分対応可能なことがほとんどです。



武蔵野市 内視鏡
#5 Article: (Optional)
内視鏡ドックのご案内住民健診や企業健診で調べている項目をご存知でしょうか。健診では高血圧や糖尿病、脂質異常症といった生活習慣病を中心に、貧血がないか、肝機能や腎機能に問題がないかを調べています。 健診が全ての病気を網羅して調べているわけではありません。 40代頃から気になってくるいわゆる「がん」に関しては、一般的な健診での発見は難しいでしょう。ですから住民健診などには、任意で「胃がん検診」や「大腸がん検診」が追加で受けることが可能になります。










  1. ご予約内視鏡ドックは完全予約制です。WEB予約またはお電話で予約をお願いいたします。

  2. 事前来院(大腸カメラ検査の方のみ)大腸内視鏡検査のあるコースでは前日と当日の 武蔵野市 内視鏡下剤服用なども必要になります。

  3. 受付スムーズに検査を受けていただくため、ご予約時間の10分前に到着するようご来院ください。健康保険証は必ずお持ち下さるようお願いいたします。お薬手帳や健診の資料なども参考になります。

  4. 診察と内視鏡検査医師による問診と内視鏡検査を行います。胃・大腸カメラコースの方は胃カメラ検査の後に大腸カメラ検査になります。

  5. 結果説明検査終了後に医師からご説明いたします。組織検査やポリープ切除を行った場合は、改めてご来院いただきます。

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