Thursday, January 21, 2021

Course in Miracles by Richard R. Powell


A Course in Miracles was written by Helen Schucman, an American born and raised in Texas. Her book is an expository version of the Bible with Christian messages. It is considered to be a sort of private meditation by some and a work of "enthusiasm" by others. It is an interesting study of faith, miracles, and psychology. I found this text interesting enough to read but maybe it does have more to offer than what I already mentioned.

A Course in Miracles, sometimes called a Miraculous Crucifix, is also known as The Holy Spirit's Personal Revelation. It is set during a period of time when the Holy Spirit is so full of God's love for all mankind that he desires to reveal to man certain secrets that have been His private prerogative since the foundation of the world. These secrets come in the form of special revelations that are delivered in the form of a personal message from our creator. These personal messages or revelations come in the form of a personal vision or experience that God has had on other occasions.

Helen Schucman claims that all of these personal messages or revelations are from the Holy Spirit and are intended for the individual reader to understand, use, and teach within their own life for the coming Kingdom of God. If you were to read through A A course in miracles, you would undoubtedly find that all are teaching personal aspects of God's love and specialness. I found that I could relate to some of what was being said and this helped me to see that what I was reading or having read was in fact from God himself and not some wrong perception or attempt to make something out of the truth of God's love. The concept of a Course in Miracles should be seen as a tool that God has used to teach us the things that he has personally placed on our heart.

Another thing that you will notice as you go through A Course in Miracles, which separates it from other spiritual works on the market, is that it does not have a beginning and an end. The Course is a living thing that evolves and perseveres as long as God wills it to! It is not a rigid structure that must be finished before another lesson can begin. God is omniscient in all things and everything that he has created has evolved over time space which is a non-real object but nevertheless an actual part of our reality as the only reality that exists in the material world we inhabit. We are in a sense holographic in that our reality is nothing more than a complex simulation of that which is eternal and unchanging on a much larger scale.

In A Course in Miracles, Richard R. Powell provides three sections which he calls the Inner Peace, Outward Comfort and the Purpose of Prayer. Each of these three sections contains a prophecy, meditation, or reading which can help a person to deepen his meditation and get into the state of inner peace, which in turn will make him or her able to experience the power of prayer, the ability to forgive those who have wronged them, the strength to stand and move towards any goal that is given to them, and lastly, the knowledge and power to let go of any unwanted or harmful emotions so that they may be replaced with positive ones. In the conclusion of the book, Richard R. Powell includes a citation needed for his readers to be able to put what they have learned into action immediately.

This is a very good book for many students to take. Richard R. Powell does a great job of introducing the reader to what he feels are the three parts of miracles. He gives the reader a bit of background regarding how he became a prophet, what he thinks happens when we die, and what happens between our lives and those of our loved ones after we pass away. Then he goes into his main readings and includes some reflections on what he learns each day as a prophet. This is an easy to read book with an interesting viewpoint.


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